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Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm a Best Seller!

Opening e-mails are always fun, but getting one from your publishers informing you, your their best seller this month, was such a rush, my family though I'd harmed myself, from the excited shriek I let out!

Go figure, Abducting Alice, (which was rejected by a few publishers) before Whiskey Creek Press Torrid picked it up, is a Best Seller.

It make me proud that my work is, not only selling well, that people are enjoying it all over the world, that my efforts, neglected house (at times) is not all for nort.

What next? I'm sure I'll be trippin' on this high for a while, and bragging about it to EVERYONE, but I've still got to knuckle down and finish my other writing projects.

And for anyone who didn't hear my shriek earlier today YOOOOO HOOOO!

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